Saturday, July 28, 2012

Moar Artz!

So back to my art! Because this is all about self promotion after all. Maybe. So here's another one I've done sort of recently-ish.

So all I really want to say about this one is that I really really need a better camera. Or learn how to photo edit better because the colors are much nicer in real life and I did try to edit them a bit. But oh well, chances are your computer doesn't display the same as mine anyway. This one was also done last semester, it's 24 x 33 in. I think this may have been one of the last paintings I did last semester actually.

I really want to paint something new. I have the board ready and everything I just don't feel like I really have the time. Maybe tomorrow. I started working in the cafeteria as a cook again, and I'm still working my other kind-of-sort-of job teaching English to Japanese people online so between the two I'm pretty low on free time. Well that's sort of a bad excuse anyway. Alright! So today I think I'll lay down an under painting and hopefully paint it tomorrow. By the end of tomorrow hopefully I'll have something new up here, so get excited! If I don't do it you have every right to bother me about it.


  1. Some people, when they do really thing layers of paint like you do, it looks weird and unintentional, but yours just look really purposeful and mature. I love the confidence of hand that you've got going on in the pieces that you've uploaded here.

    And you better believe I'll bug you if I don't see something tomorrow ;)

    1. I hope you do! Otherwise I may not do it. I did do the underpainting today so now I'll just need to make myself do the rest tomorrow. If I'm feeling really productive I'll mix some paint tonight. :P
