Friday, July 20, 2012

A Bit of a Blast from the Past

Post number two! We're on a roll aren't we? In my last post I put up my most recent painting, and do realize it may seem a bit strange to start from the most recent but that's how it happened. For the next few posts maybe I'll be putting up some older, but still relatively recent, work (all done in the last 6 months or so). As I do new things, they will be added as well. Maybe I'll do some process photos, though I'm not sure process photos of my work would be too exciting, hmm? Well, to some artz!

It's obviously quite a bit different from my last one, isn't it? Maybe I'm just confusing you now as to what my style is. Well. This one was done sitting outside of the art building. It was my first time painting something from life without trying to make it look like life. This is another little painting, and it is on sale in my Etsy shop. Which, by the way, I haven't linked on here yet. Well doesn't that just defeat the purpose of all this. This whole Etsy business is a bit much for me. I'm not a salesperson. I just sit around painting pretty pictures. But I do intend to try my best and sell some things. If I'm lucky, maybe some people on here will bother me to paint more! It's the summer so I haven't exactly been doing very much and I need someone to bug me a bit.

Anyway, here's the link to my Etsy shop, and here's the link to my DA. I just made my DA today so it doesn't have very much up yet, though I do suppose it has more than this blog.

Hopefully once I start getting some people actually reading this I can talk to them about what they might like me to post! So if you happen to read this, just let me know what you'd like to see. :]

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